Daily Horoscope

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Today's problems may feel somewhat unreal to you, or at least unfamiliar. It's a good time to take them seriously. You need to make sure that you're fully committed to taking care of business!


Though you often prefer to play it safe, you're not against taking uncalculated risks when they feel right. Today, your gut is prodding you to take a nutty course of action. Go for it!


You're not averse to change. In fact, your threshold for boredom is notoriously low. But today you're not sure what you want next. You've got vague ideas, but you need to flesh them out.


It's harder than usual for you to concentrate on boring tasks, not that it's ever easy, of course! You may need to set them aside for a few days until your mental energy can find its focus.


Art holds a special appeal to you right now, and you may find that a trip to a museum (even online) breaks up a mental or spiritual logjam that has been interfering with your flow lately.


Try not to be too critical today. Though you may have some solid advice to offer, you can count on people taking it the wrong way! Reserve it for a few days and see if it's still needed then.


You're a little frazzled today thanks to all the widely diverging activities on your plate. Try to take them one at a time, or better yet, say no to a few of them that feel like they're reaching too far.


Try to work in a creative realm today, making art, dreaming up new ideas, or shaking up your life in some new and dramatic way. Your energy is just right for trying new things and having fun!


You're seeing almost everything as a symbol today, so take a second look and figure out what kind of story the universe is telling about you. It may be possible for you to shift things a bit in your favor.


Your energy is more stable than most people's today, and that leads to you making a good impression. You may find that you're a little disdainful of someone close, but it doesn't last.


You need to use today's contemplative energy to delve deeply into your own psyche and belief systems. You may need to reorganize or clear out everything and start all over again.


Treat yourself as well as you'd treat anyone else you love. You deserve the best too! It's a great day to make an example of yourself by showing the world how they could live if they wanted to.


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بالرغم من إعلان السفارة الأميركية في لبنان مؤخراً أنّ "كل تصاميم الاحتياطي الفدرالي الورقية هي عملة قانونية أو صالحة قانوناً للمدفوعات
ما طلبه الخازن من "وسائل الاعلام المحترمة"
أدعو وسائل الاعلام المحترمة إلى ألا تبخّ السموم الكاذبة. الحاصل مؤمّن والعمل جارٍ على تأمين الثاني

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