Daily Horoscope

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You have to show others that the road ahead is safe, and the only way to do that may be to head out on your own. You don't mind that, but you do wish your friends weren't such cowards.


Try not to get too involved in social dealings today, especially legal agreements. It's not that you're sure to take a loss, but you may find that someone is surprisingly self-interested now.


Your brainpower is strong now, so exercise it. Go back to school, help someone with a thorny problem, or just while away the hours working on that one super tough puzzle.


Someone close accuses you of selfishness. They really know how to sharpen the knife! Just because there's some truth to it, though, doesn't mean you have to change a thing just yet.


All that fiery energy has you charged up and ready to go, so grab a friend or a date and hit the town! You should make a point of hitting the newest club, nightspot, or restaurant tonight.


You need to get going but can't seem to rouse yourself to action. It's a really good time for you to take a big step back and see if you can just draft on someone else's tailwind for a while.


You are a natural when it comes to honest communication, and you may find that today brings even more power in that regard. See if you can get your friends to hunker down for long chats.


You find yourself saying yes to something you'd meant to say no to. You just get all caught up in the moment, but you should find that it leads you in an extremely interesting new direction.


Your amazing, active energy keeps you smiling and happy almost all day long. In fact, you may suddenly click with someone whose mood has been out of sync with yours for a little too long.


Help a friend in need. You can use the karma, and they can use the assistance. Your energy is just right for other people's projects, and you're sure to get that energy back when you need it most.


You need to keep your group together today. Whether at work, at home, or among friends, fragmentation is likely. You can keep them all heading in the same direction, at least.


You need to keep your mind open and increase your awareness of those around you. It's not like you're in danger or that today is a turning point, but you need the mental exercise for later.


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