Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is the largest social media network online and it is a very efficient tool to utilize it for your business, the Facebook PPC campaign is very similar to the Google Adwords PPC but differs in the keyword strategy, Facebook rather than using keywords it uses interests, interests is great way to find the right target market.

Once again when you are ready to start with us we can work out a daily budget required and set the amount for each click so that we can reach the right numbers of people to enter your site.

One of the major benefits of Facebook is that this data is based on real interests and affinities.

While other targeted ad campaigns are based on search behavior, Facebook’s targeted campaigns are based on real data supplied by the user.

During the entire campaign - we do daily maintenance which involves: adding posts, images, promotions and descriptions of your business. We monitor the performance and adjust accordingly based on the consumer response.

In case you have any question or you need any further clarification, we’ll be happy to assist, you can reach me at the contacts info included below.

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