Batroun Highlands 1658 M2, under construction for sell


Lebanon - North - Batroun - Basbina


Beautifully situated amid rolling hills overlooking Batroun city, with a superb view of the sea, the Project is only a five-minute away drive up from the main coastal Beirut- Tripoli highway. Located at 300 m above sea level in the green mountains of Batroun Caza, North Lebanon, the project offers a distinguished combination of nature, beauty and functionality. Characterized by an ideal climate with cool summers and moderate winters, the project is ideal for all seasons. Surrounded by trees with an exceptional Mediterranean view, the 177,564 sqm project offers 82 lots (55 in Besbina and 27 in Jdabra). The biggest lot area is 2,627 sqm and the smallest lot is 1,205 sqm.

Spread over nearly 131,362 square meters of green residential area, the project is designed for a superior but affordable quality of life away from the strains of city life and its pollution. Zoning and building regulations insure constructions of no more than two stories and call for stone facades, red tile roofs and gardens to enhance the project’s unique character. A modern and high quality infrastructure will provide electricity, telephone, water and sewage networks. All roads will be planted with tree alignments and spacious public parks will include landscaped playgrounds in a safe and healthy atmosphere.

General Information

File Number: N/A
Property Size: 1658m2

Property Details

Price: 339890 $
Condition: New

Property Featured

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